
Requests to Expedite Processing Form I-601, Extreme Hardship Waiver

June 2012

Recently, USCIS submitted new guidelines on how to process requests to expedite the adjudication of Forms I-601 filed by individuals outside the U.S. This policy states that in extraordinary circumstances, USCIS managers may exercise discretion on a case-by-case basis to approve a request to expedite adjudication. The following applicants may be eligible for expedited I-601 extreme hardship waivers: the applicant has critical medical needs, the applicant’s family member in the U.S. has a serious medical condition, the applicant or their family member is vulnerable due to age, serious medical condition, or disability, death or serious illness of a family member, or it would be in the U.S.’s national interest to have the applicant in the U.S. Effective June 4, 2012, individuals outside the U.S. generally will be required to file their waiver applications with a USCIS Lockbox. All requests to expedite will be reviewed within five business days of receipt of the request and if the decision is to approve the request to expedite, the applicant will be notified within ten business days of receipt of the request. [See Full Article]
